Stillwater, Oklahoma Climate

Stillwater lies fairly near the western edge of the USA's humid subtropical climate region as well as where the Rocky Mountian rain shadow has faded, characterized by hot, humid summers and generally mild to cool winters. Rainfall in is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year.

Date Average
January 22° 47° -12° (1918) 81° (1986) 1.3" 3.3"
February 27° 53° -18° (1996) 92° (1996) 1.62" 2.1"
March 37° 62° -5° (1948) 98° (1907) 3.22" 1.4"
April 46° 72° 16° (1936) 104° (1972) 3.45" 0"
May 57° 79° 29° (1903) 101° (1985) 5.41" 0"
June 66° 88° 43° (1919) 106° (1936) 4.32" 0"
July 71° 94° 50° (1894) 113° (1954) 2.69" 0"
August 69° 93° 43° (1915) 115° (1936) 3.05" 0"
September 61° 85° 31° (1984) 111° (2000) 4.13" 0"
October 48° 75° 12° (1917) 99° (1939) 3.21" 0"
November 37° 61° 7° (1976) 88° (1911) 2.57" 0.3"
December 26° 51° -15° (1989) 84° (1955) 1.74" 2.3"

More climatologica data for Stillwater in the form of charts for average precipitation, humidity, wind speed, snowfall, sunshine, and cloudy days can be found here and here. Scroll down to about 1/3 of the page. Additional climate data gathered since 1994 is available here.

Stillwater Climate Trivia

  • Last killing frost: early to mid April
  • First killing frost: late October to early November
  • Average number of days a year temperature goes up to 100°F or higher: 10
  • Average annual precipitation: 36.71 inches.
  • Average number of days a year temperature does not get above freezing: 12.
  • Highest recorded temperature: 115°F on August 11, 1936.
  • Lowest temperature: -18°F on February 13-14 1905 and February 4, 1996.
  • Average number of annual snow days: 16
  • Average annual amount of snow: 9.4 inches.
  • Number of heavy snow events amounting to over 8 inches since 1951: approx. 9.
  • Average annual number of fog days: 23.
  • Annual chance of sunshine: 68%.
  • Stillwater has had one significant ice storm since 2000.

While the Stillwater area experiences tornadoes at around 3.6 times the national rate, only several of them have actually ventured into the city and caused great damage since the city's founding in 1889. Over the years, a number of other tornadoes have come close to hitting the city. For an example, the band of developing cumulus clouds seen in this photo resulted a few hours later in a tornado warning affecting the Stillwater area. Highlighting another close hit, is this one dramatically portrayed in this video: