Volcanic Activity
Cleveland Volcano, Alaska Aleutian Islands, WebCam View on Right

Camera, right image, is located on top of High Hill a few miles North of the village of Nikolski on the western end of Umnak Island. Mt. Cleveland is approximately 45 miles from the camera. The summit of Mt. Cleveland Summit, elevation 5676 ft. (1730 m), is located at the center of the image. Mount Carlisle can be seen on the right edge of the image. Due to the typically bad weather in this area of the state, Mt. Cleveland and Mt. Carlisle won't be visible very often.
To Alaska Volcano Laboratory-Cleveland Volcano
Updates on USA Volcanoes
ALASKA Volcano's - Current Update
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Aviation Color Codes
GREEN: | Volcano is in typical background, noneruptive state or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has ceased and volcano has returned to noneruptive background state. |
YELLOW: | Volcano is exhibiting signs of elevated unrest above known background level or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has decreased significantly but continues to be closely monitored for possible renewed increase. |
ORANGE: | Volcano is exhibiting heightened or escalating unrest with increased potential of eruption, timeframe uncertain, OR eruption is underway with no or minor volcanic-ash emissions [ash-plume height specified, if possible]. |
RED: | Eruption is imminent with significant emission of volcanic ash into the atmosphere likely OR eruption is underway or suspected with significant emission of volcanic ash into the atmosphere [ash-plume height specified, if possible]. |
Volcanic Activity Alert Levels
NORMAL: | Volcano is in typical background, noneruptive state or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has ceased and volcano has returned to noneruptive background state. |
ADVISORY: | Volcano is exhibiting signs of elevated unrest above known background level or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has decreased significantly but continues to be closely monitored for possible renewed increase. |
WATCH: | Volcano is exhibiting heightened or escalating unrest with increased potential of eruption, timeframe uncertain, OR eruption is underway but poses limited hazards. |
WARNING: | Hazardous eruption is imminent, underway, or suspected. |
Mt. redoubt Volcano Cam

This is a static image of Mt. redoubt,
The VolcanoCam image automatically updates approximately every two hours.
Volcano image courtesy of ...
Live webcam images of various Alaskan volcanoes
Information courtesy of ...
USGS-Alaskan Volcano Observatory (AVO).
Cascade Range Current Update
Volcano Observatories: Alaska
Volcano Observatories: Cascades
Volcano Observatories: Hawaii
Volcano Observatories: Long Valley
Volcano Observatories: Mariana Islands
Volcano Observatories: Yellowstone